Hurricanes are one of nature’s most destructive forces that seasonally threaten our way of life here in Florida. From the devastation unleashed on Miami Dade County by Hurricane Andrew in 1992 to the massive flooding levied on Florida’s West Coast by Hurricane Ian September of 2022, and massive flooding affecting Fort Lauderdale and Port Everglades in April 2023, SSI Petroleum has been there to ensure both business and government agencies have the fuel supply needed to do their job.

Our customers include everyone from first responders, large contractors focused on debris cleanup, fleets of power trucks focused on restoring power, or on getting fuel to critical generators required to help people in need. SSI understands the importance of getting our communities cleaned up, getting services restored to homeowners, getting people back to work, and restoring normalcy to our daily lives. As such, we aggressively focus on helping those companies or individuals in need.
Whether it’s topping product levels off before a storm hits or servicing contractors aiding in the recovery efforts, SSI is equipped to make sure our State is prepared before a storm and aided in recovering from an impact. See a list of our specialty and emergency fuel delivery services >here.